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An end-to-end process that simplifies contracting and speeds up payments

PAYCE is a purpose-built, simple to use platform for pharmaceutical companies to better engage with HCPs. The process simplifies HCP contracting and payment processes and ensures clean disclosure data for your engagement with HCPs.

Intuitively guide users through the process

Users can quickly set up an engagement that complies with company SOPs and code requirements. All parts of the engagement are managed from a single log in, with flexibility to interface into existing systems and provide data for various disclosure reporting requirements. Intelligent prompts guide and notify you of actions needed, with automated actionable emails to both the HCP and company users.

HCPs enjoy a single portal to manage all their engagements across companies, sign contracts electronically, and upload their expenses all from a single and familiar login.
We created this so that you can:
Quickly access to all HCP engagements across your organisation
Be confident that the right processes are followed
Ensure the correct documentation is always issued and available
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Here's how it works
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Simple integration into your CRM and ERP systems
Reduce administrative burden and manual processing, saving time and money
Access all events and view documentation, status and details at any time
Provide disclosure extracts that meet your requirements
Configure to meet your basis for disclosure - legislation, free choice (consent) or legitimate interest
Supports invoicing from private companies and HCOs with controls and checks to ensure that payees comply with company rules 
An interactive dashboard that allows users to zoom in from an overview to the detail of all transactions, HCP usage, whilst flagging risks of upcoming and potential breaches
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